Each brick, board, piece of wood or glass in a building has a value. Today, these materials are often not reused after demolition or refurbishments, instead they are wasted. BAMB
has provided the tools to enabling a circular building industry.
Image: © durmisevic
About BAMB
In the Project BAMB – Buildings As Material Banks 15 partners from 7 European countries were working together with one mission – enabling a systemic shift in the building sector by creating circular solutions.
Today, building materials end up as waste when no longer needed, with effects like destroying ecosystems, increasing environmental costs, and creating risks of resource scarcity. To create a sustainable future, the building sector needs to move towards a circular economy.
Whether an industry goes circular or not depends on the value of the materials within it – worthless materials are waste, while valuable materials are recycled. Increased value equals less waste, and that is what BAMB is creating – ways to increase the values of building materials.
BAMB will enable a systemic shift where dynamically and flexibly designed buildings can be incorporated into a circular economy. Through design and circular value chains, materials in buildings sustain their value – in a sector producing less waste and using less virgin resources. Instead of being to-be waste, buildings will function as banks of valuable materials – slowing down the usage of resources to a rate that meets the capacity of the planet.
The project has developing and integrating tools that will enable the shift: Materials Passports and Reversible Building Design – supported by new business models, policy propositions and management and decision-making models. During the course of the project these new approaches has been demonstrated and refined with input from 6 pilots.
The BAMB project started in September 2015 and progressed for 3 and a half years as an innovation action within the EU funded Horizon 2020 program.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Question)
Click here to find answers to frequently asked questions about BAMB!
Movies and presentations
“Short introduction”
“General project description”
Caroline Henrotay – Project Manager, Leefmilieu Brussel – BIM / Bruxelles Environnement – IBGE
Presentation (pdf, 2 MB)
“How BAMB Supports Great Designs”
Katja Hansen, EPEA
Presentation (pdf, 2 MB)
“Collaborating for a Circular Economy”
Nitesh Magdani BAM Construct UK
Presentation (pdf, 3 MB)
“How is it to be part of an EU Project like BAMB?”
Flavie Lowres, BRE
BAMB was working to realise a new and standardized, circular way of building. Through design and circular industrial value chains we can ensure that the materials in buildings keep its value.
Horizon 2020
The BAMB project is funded by the European within Horizon 2020 – the biggest EU Research and Innovation programs ever. Horizon 2020 aims to drive development in Europe, to create a sustainable economy and growth.