BAMB participated at the event Building Holland 2017 with three speakers.
Dr Elma Durmesevic, University of Twente, held an lecture about “Reversible design of buildings”, 12 April, 12:10 – 12:30
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“Buildings are no longer the heaps of the future, but changing objects and repositories of valuable materials. This requires a new approach to design where the transformation of buildings and recycling of building components guarantee the future value of buildings and building materials. An approach which Reversible building design (reversible design) and Design for disassembly are the keys.”
Hein van Tuilj, Managing director, EPEA Nederlands, held a lecture about “Materials Passports for healthy, circular buildings”, 12 April,13:05 – 13:25
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Jad Oseyran, Circular Economy Lead, IBM Global Business Services, held an lecture about “Ecosystem and business model innovation towards Reuse in Construction”, 12 April, 13:25 – 13:45
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Place: Amsterdam
Date: 11th to 13th of April 2017.
Program (in Dutch)
Event (in Dutch)