Summary Stakeholder Network annual meeting, the 24th of January 2017, Brussels

The Annual Bamb Stakeholder Network Meeting 2017 took place on the 24th January in Brussels (#bambsn2017).

Many people helped to make it a successful day. Thank you,  Vincezo Gente and  Julien Dumont for opening remarks, Vincent Basuyau and Romain Poulles for keyntoes, BAMB partners for presentations and participation, Brussels Environment for organizing, Lisa Apelman, Ronneby Municipality for moderating, Sound and teach support for a wonderful job and last but not least the Stakeholder Network! Thank you for coming and sharing this afternoon with us!


Summary of the day


Julien Dumont, opened the floor with some opening remarks.

Julien Dumont is the Representative of the Cabinet of Céline Fremault, Minister of the Government of the Brussels Capital Region, responsible for Housing, Quality of Life, Environment and Energy “Mr. Dumont is the advisor to the Minister on the topics of circular economy and waste management, as well of the coordinator of the Regional Plan for the Circular Economy at the level of the Brussels Government” Welcome

Next speaker was Vincezo Gente, Senior Project Adviser at Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME). In the Horizon 2020 Environment and Resources Unit, in the Eco-innovation Sector, Mr Gente contributes as a Senior Project Adviser to the implementation of the Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge: “Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials”. In particular with eco-innovation and circular economy thematic areas.


Keynote speakers

BAMB is an EU funded innovation project, part of a larger development towards circularity in Europe and the world. Two keynote speakers helped us to set the stage for this day: Vincent Basayau and Romain Poulles.

Vincent Basuyau put BAMB in a bigger European context, presenting related initiatives instigated from EU. Vincent Basuyau contributes to the development of the EU industrial policy with regard to international competitiveness and sustainability with a specific focus on Mineral Waste and Construction & Demolition Waste. Mr Basuyau joined the European Commission at the DG GROW Unit C.1 Sustainable Industrial Policy and Construction as Policy Officer in 2014 after 30 years in the construction material sector worldwide.

Romain Poulles, CEO and founder of PROgroup, SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING  and circular economy consultant gave  a view on how they work with circularity in the building sector in Luxemburg.  PROgroup is a Luxemburg based group of engineering companies which is active in the field of sustainable building  and engineering based on circular economy principles. Smart design” is the motto of PROgroup based on the following principles : “desirability, circularity, functionality, viability”.

The BAMB project

These presentations put BAMB in a context. Circular aspects are being developed in many parts of our society and in other initiatives within the built environment. This means BAMB is  lucky to be in good company. Next we dived into the BAMB project. Wim Debacker, Senior Researcher in Sustainable Built Environment at VITO presented the vision and guiding principles developed in the project and the state of the art report with barriers and opportunities investigated.


BAMBs contribution for systemic change

After a well-deserved coffee break, an opportunity for conversations and to drink some coffee of course, the focus zoomed in towards the practical developments in the project. With a better sense of what is going on in Europe and where the BAMB project wants to go and where we stand today, a panel of representatives for the different parts of BAMB presented more on Materials Passports, Reversible building design tools, Business Models, Decision Making methodology and Policies and Standards with examples of how these different aspects are of value for circular building projects through the pilots experiences.

The panel consisted of:
Lars Luscuere, EPEA, Primarily working with Materials Passports within BAMB, and represents one of the BAMB pilots, the Reversible Experience Modules

Elma Durmisevic, researcher from University of Twente, working with reversible building design within Bamb and heading two pilots, Green Transformable Building Lab and the pilot in Mostar,

Gillian Hobbs, BRE, Building research establishment in UK, representing the work done on Decision making models and BIM within Bamb

Martijn Peters, from IBM, Primarily working with the development of new business models within BAMB

Caroline Henrotay, project coordinator and is here in this panel today to tell us more about the work done in regards to policies and standards

Anne Paduart from VUB represents the pilot Refurbishment Lab – Van Der Meeren student housing

Hannelore Goens is coordinating the pilots within BAMB and represents the BRIC pilot.


The panel session was concluded with an opportunity for interaction with the stakeholders.


Some tweets from the event (#bambsn2017):


Date: 24th of January 2017

Time: 12:30-18:30

Place: Brussels Environment (IBGE-BIM), Tour & Taxis, Avenue du Port 86C/3000, 1000 Brussels, Belgium


Time Activity
12:30 – 13:00 Registration and participants’ arrival
13:00 – 13:15 Opening Remarks
13:15 – 13:55 Setting the stage – Keynote Speakers (to be announced)
13:55 – 14:15 Q&A
14:15– 14:45 How does the world of today compare to a world with BAMB? A presentation of the work done by the BAMB Consortium to define a common vision, the State of the Art in the construction sector, as well as key barriers and opportunities identified
14:45 – 15:15 Afternoon coffee break
15:15 – 16:00 BAMB’s contribution for systemic change A presentation of the work done by the BAMB Consortium in order to support systemic change. Updates will be given on the results delivered to date, as well as those underway.
16:00 -16:50 Panel Session – A World With BAMB How far can we take the circular economy in the construction sector? – A guided discussion between a panel of experts and BAMB Stakeholders regarding how far we can take the circular economy in the construction sector. This panel session will provide an opportunity for Stakeholders to give input on the work done in the project so far, as well as their own views on opportunities and barriers.
16:50 – 17:00 Conclusions
17:00 – 18:30 Cocktail Reception and Networking